Love my new Kobo Libra Colour 😊 Can now catch up with all my lovely NASA reference books and my Pocket articles look so much better. Also enjoying the snappy new processor.

Bode’s nebula from last night with the Seestar

M51 from last night from Seestar. No post-processing - just a crop.

Finished reading: The Fog by James Herbert πŸ“š

Year in books for 2023

Here are the books I finished reading in 2023. Not my full list, as I didn’t fully use Epilogue, but intend to more fully this year.

Watchers Breathe! You Are Alive 2br02b Concorde The Big Trip Up Yonder The Complete Stories of J. G. Ballard Player Piano This Charming Man Our Lady of the Artilects Taste Bullshit Jobs Mindful Compassion I Am Pilgrim The Machine Stops Hocus Pocus When We Cease to Understand the World The Dalai Lama's Cat Stolen Focus Windswept and Interesting Eff This! Meditation Love Letter to the Earth Four Thousand Weeks The Year of Less Wherever You Go, There You Are The Compassionate Mind Joyful Wisdom The Wise Heart Red Alert

Finished reading: The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly πŸ“š First one of the year complete.

Sun and Trees, Seestar S50

Three galaxies for the price of one 😊 M31, M33 and M110 taken with the Seestar.

Planetary mode has been added to the Seestar. Looking forward to giving it a try.

M2 - Globular Clusters are about my favourite astronomical objects.

M27 Dumbbell Nebula via Seestar

Moon - somewhat cloudy, hence some cool lighting. Seestar S50.

Latest Lego Speed Champion complete 😊

IC 1805 Heart Nebula, Seestar.

Our beautiful star - taken with Seestar. I’m impressed with the detail around the sunspots.

First light with my Seestar. Only managed about 10 minutes before the clouds but I’m very happy with this for a first shot.

Finished reading: Watchers by Dean R. Koontz πŸ“š Just finished the Audio Book version - loved it 😊

How come it’s got so difficult to get basic ingredients, like mushrooms and rice, from UK supermarkets? Seems like I have to visit at least 2 big stores just to get a handful of ingredients to make dinner these days. Are we that screwed now that we struggle to get basic veg?

Finished reading: Breathe! You Are Alive by Thich Nhat Hanh πŸ“š

Finished reading: 2br02b by Kurt Vonnegut πŸ“š

Finished reading: Concorde by Mike Bannister πŸ“š

Finished reading: The Big Trip Up Yonder by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. πŸ“š

Can anyone recommend a good book review site that isn’t Goodreads?

Lego Winnie the Pooh complete - what a delightful little build 😊